STFOLIO wiring hookup: DB-25 74HC125 DB-25 (ST end) (Portfolio end) (2)-------------------------------------------(2) (3)-------------------------------------------(3) (5)---------------(2)--(14) (9)---------------(1)--(13) (11)---------------(8)--(11) (9)-------------------(12) (12)-------------------(13) (3)--(10) (7)--[4.7Kohms]--(10) (25)---------------------(7)-------------------(25) NOTES: Use HC type of 74125 only! Current version of software does not run under TOS 1.4 Shareware version of software is limited to a file length of about 10K. For complete version write to: Computing Schulgasse 63 A-1180 Vienna, Austria Telephone (0222) 48 52 56