=================================================================== PORTFOLIO USERS UPDATE ---------------------- by B.J. Gleason =================================================================== The following article is reprinted in the APORTFOLIO Forum by permission of AtariUser magazine and Quill Publishing. It MAY NOT be further reprinted without specific permission of Quill. AtariUser is a monthly Atari magazine, available by subscription for $20 a year. For more information on AtariUser, call 800-333-3567. Artisan Software (209) 239-1552 PO Box 849, Manteca, CA 95336 Software TransporT File Transfer 24.95 File exchange software for the Atari ST, STE or MEGA. Serial Port and cable required. Atari Direct Order (408)745-2367, (800)443-8020 1196 Borregas Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Hardware Portfolio 299.95 Parallel Port 49.95 Serial Port 79.95 Leather Case 39.95 32k RAM Card 79.95 64k RAM Card 129.95 128k RAM Card 199.95 PC Card Drive 99.95 AC Adapter 9.95 Parallel Cable 19.95 Serial MAC Cable 19.95 Software File Manager 20.00 DOS Utilities 89.95 Finance 89.95 Hyperlist Soon Outliner designed for the Portfolio. Power BASIC Compiler Soon Full featured BASIC compiler from Robert Zale, author of PowerBASIC and Turbo BASIC. U.S. Traveller's Guide Soon A travel guide on ROM. Restaurants, shopping and more are listed for most major cities. Spell Checker Soon 100,000 words and word variations on a ROM Card. Chess Soon Bridge Baron Soon Wine Companion Soon Diet/Cholesterol Counter Soon Astrologer Soon Stock Tracker Soon Keep track of Stock Investments. Lotus Worksheets I & II Soon Math Library I & II Soon Statistics Library I & II Soon These six volumes are collections of new public domain and shareware. Each card will contain between 9 and 15 programs. Compuserve (800) 848-8199 x198 Software, Services APORTFOLIO Forum and Software Library. This is an official on-line Atari Support site. Computer Friends (503) 626-2291 14250 North West Science Park Drive, Portland, OR 97229 Software Message Mover-PC 189.00 Message Mover-MAC 189.00 These programs allows for file transfer between your desktop machine and the Portfolio via the Serial Port. Computerbooks (714) 966-2023 20351 Irvine Ave, Suite 9, PO Box 9167, Newport Beach, CA 92658 Software Pharmaceutical Database 129.95 Instant access to commonly prescribed drugs and dosages, instructions, warning, trade names and more. Physicians' Reference 89.95 Instant access to common questions and issues. DIP Systems (0483) 301555 32 Frederick Sanger Road, Surrey Research Park Guildford, Great Britain, GU2 5XN Fax: (0483) 301434 Software Scientific Calculator œ60.83 PF Applications on PC œ43.43 A version of the Portfolio's built-in software that can run on a PC. Pocket Mac œ60.83 File transfer software for the Macintosh. Pocket Communications œ43.43 Hardware Pocket PC Modem (1200) œ174.87 A 1200 baud modem that attaches to the Portfolio's expansion bus. Memory Expander (512k) œ156.48 Increase the Portfolio's memory to 636k, and add an extra card drive unit. Attaches to the expansion port. Extech Instruments (617) 890-7440 335 Bearhill Road, Waltham, MA 02154 Hardware Mini Serial Printer 249.00 24 or 40 column mini-printer. Connects to the serial port. Runs on batteries or AC. Interloop (408) 922-0520 706 Charcot Avenue, San Jose, CA 95131 Hardware HPIL Interface Adapter Call Interface the Portfolio to Hewlett-Packard peripheral devices. Connects to the expansion bus, and can control up to 23 devices. Megabyte Computers (817) 589-2950 909 Melbourne, Hurst, TX 76053 Hardware Internal 512k Upgrade 350.00 Internal memory upgrade to the Portfolio. Increase memory to 512k. Memory can be used for RAM disk or regular memory. Monterey Bay Whaling Company (408) 475-4290 2681 N. Rodeo Gulch Road, Soquel, California, 95073 Software Driver for PDD2 on MS/DOS disk 40.00 on ROM Card 70.00 Software driver for Radio Shacks' Disk Drive Unit. ONline Technology (216) 831-6160 23715 Mercantile Road, Suite 203, Beachwood, OH 44122 Software TIMEPAC-5 Call Record billable hours and expenses. Paragon Technology (800) 255-9411 P.O. Box 273511, Boca Raton, FL 33427 Software FX-3 DUAT Flight Program 79.95 Link to FAA certified weather briefings and flight plan filing. FX-4 Flight Planner 79.95 Full U.S. navigational database and provides detailed trip planning. Pulse Metric (800) 835-7815 10225 Barnes Canyon Road, Suite A100, San Diego, CA 92121 Hardware Dynapulse Monitor 299.00 Computerized blood pressure and pulse rate measuring system. Radio Shack (Local Stores) Hardware Portable Disk Drive 2 199.95 This serial disk drive, designed for the Model 100, can be used to provide 200k or disk storage for the Portfolio. Software Driver is required for usage: See the listing for Monterey Bay Whaling Company. TekNow! (800) 899-7276 1500 South Priest, Suite 101, Tempe, AZ 85281 Software SAMpage Pager Messenger 89.00 Interface the Portfolio to alphanumeric display pagers. XoteriX (818)888-7390 23106 Baltar St,West Hills,CA 91304 Hardware 512k RAM Expansion 299.00 (call) Expands RAM to 636k. Connects to the expansion bus. 20 Megabyte Hard Disk 899.00 (call) Includes 512k of memory and optional serial and parallel ports. Connects to the expansion bus, and adds about 3/4" to the thickness of the Portfolio. Software PBASE 99.99 General purpose rational database. Terminal+ 79.99 Serial communications package. Checkwriter 149.99 Keep track of your finances, credit cards, and checkbook. Timekeeper 99.99 Management for time based activities. Stocks Games 79.99 Simulate the stock market.