Obtaining Weather Maps Compuserve offers various weather maps for display or download using appropriate software. BJ Gleason has written an RLE graphics viewer which is available in the libraries. The weather maps will have most interest to pilots but can be of use to anyone. The two RLE maps available are 1) Radar Summary - which shows in graphis form, all areas of precipitation in the US and 2) Low Level Depiction chart - which shows in graphic form the level of clouds and visibility. The depiction chart shows the following areas: IFR - low clouds and/or low visibility - usually nasty weather MVFR - ceiling above 1,000 ft and visibility above 3 miles - but not by much VFR - ceiling well over 1,000 ft and visibility well in excess of 3 miles As you can see you can get a pretty good picture of the weather anywhere in the nation by looking at these two charts. To get the charts in a form usable by BJ's program, go to the maps section of Compuserve by typing "GO MAPS". In the maps section you want to get the RLE maps that are selections 11 an 12. Just type 11 or 12 at the prompt and you will probably be advised that your terminal does not support a display of the map. Ignore this warning and proceed. Pick which of the views of the map you want (ie. a region or the whole US) and before you press return, open a text capture buffer using your terminal program. Then press return and you will then see a bunch of garbage characters being downloaded. When this is finished, close the buffer and you will have a file that can be displayed with BJ's viewer.