ANY PORT IN A STORM: ---------------------------------- Index for Set PB1 - Pbasic 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- 273 Operates basic program inside editor c.bat 92 Simple command line calculator using Pbasic music.txt 2313 Document file for some of the music programs pbasic.adr 13674 Pbasic command info .adr file pbasic.exe 44176 Pbasic program pbasic.txt 72197 Pbasic Manual pbcomp.exe 17842 Compress & encode Pbasic programs pbdoc.exe 20795 PBasic manual in PRead format reddog.doc 2253 Document file for Red Dog spb.exe 10944 basic programs to minimum size \PROG -------- -------------------- 2curve.bas 338 Draws 2 curves 100day.bas 1114 Calculates 100 days after date entered addtim.bas 842 Adds up times in minutes and seconds areacd.bas 2756 Gives area codes for American States bach1.bas 885 Music program bach2.bas 914 Music program bar.bas 341 Demonstrates bar charts bday.bas 555 Plays Happy Birthday beth2.bas 1084 Plays Beethoven's 'Fur Elise' bomb.pgc 374 Pgc file for pgdemo.bas cc30.bas 16256 Coversion calculator version 3 chart.bas 1070 Charts hours worked in a week circle.bas 560 Draws series of circles days.bas 928 Calculate number of days between two dates db1.bas 1888 Database example program for surveying buildings eta.bas 1276 Gives estimated time of arrival when travelling etch.bas 544 Simple drawing program fuji.pgc 1415 Pgc file for pgdemo.bas garden.bas 6395 Gardening program - gives info on planting, yield, fertiliser etc. gate40.bas 4979 Flight timer Program gorby.pgc 650 Pgc file for pgdemo.bas krieger.bas 764 Music program menu.bas 2273 Menu for Pbasic demo programs peter1.bas 738 Music program - Peter and the wolf pgdemo.bas 211 Example program to show a series of pgc graphic files portf.pgc 1322 Pgc file for pgdemo.bas qchess.bas 7271 Chess reddog.bas 5780 Game of Red Dog rev.bas 745 Reverse the numbers game runman.bas 833 Running man program - text and graphics sieve.bas 316 Eratosthenes Sieve - some sort of timer spiral.pgc 479 Pgc file for pgdemo.bas terminal.bas 636 Simple terminal program test47.bas 8847 Test program for latest Pbasic tic.bas 3207 Tic Tac Toe usa.pgc 581 Pgc file for pgdemo.bas vaders.bas 1813 Space Invaders wksplot.bas 1120 Plot a graph from worksheet data wksplot.wks 2272 Sample wks file for wksplot.bas wtime.bas 1179 Displays time in different cities UTILS\ ---------- --------------------- 253 Fixes graphics bug on Portfolio fix0d.doc 1086 Document file for maker.doc 2825 Document for Maker.exe maker.exe 4548 Create menus + paste basic code to clip pbe.exe 29508 A PC-based editor for Pbasic pbe.txt 6833 Document file for PBE.exe 248 Tests for graphics bug on Portfolio test0d.doc 1234 Document file for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kindom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PB2 - Pbasic 2 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- 22runw.bas 4345 Program to calculate runway length for takeoff 22weig.bas 2705 Aircraft weight and balance calculator asc.bas 274 Returns ASCII code for key pressed asci.bas 518 Displays Ascii codes from 32 to 128 bank-inf.bas 5413 Transaction Tracker - setup program bank-inf.doc 9637 Document file for bank-inf.bas bankacct.bas 4766 Transaction Tracker - main program bankacct.doc 16363 Document file for bankacct.bas bankacct.inf 1996 Sample configuratiuon file for Transaction Tracker bestbu.bas 1121 Compares value for money of 2 items carol.bas 1116 Plays xmas carols clock.bas 393 Pbasic Clock csh10.bas 1280 Channel calculator for architects datefn.bas 860 Acouple of date functions to include in your programs du.bas 6104 Add ToDo lists to .dry files du.pgc 764 Pgc file for du.bas effzin.bas 2623 Loan Calculator - German program so prompts in German but can easily be converted. exp.bas 3712 Expenses tracker feet.bas 1894 Feet and inch calculator fw.bas 3483 Fuel Watch program for aircraft hexdez.bas 1645 Hex/Dec converter - German program so prompts in German but can easily be converted. homern.bas 2816 Plays `Home on the Range' jeopar.bas 885 Program to keep track of scores in the American gameshow `Jeopardy!' jment.bas 1204 A variation on 100day.bas (in Set1b) for lawyers to calculate judgement interest loans.bas 1516 Loan calculator metrno.bas 386 Metronome mort.bas 5755 Mortgage repayment calculator pb01.txt 12563 Text file on programming with PBasic pb02.txt 12536 Comparison of PBasic and Powerbasic 20365 Pbasic 4.9 manual in PRead format 6453 Pbasic.adr (from Set1a) in PRead format prime.bas 361 Calculates the prime numbers between 1 and the number entered recipe.bas 3453 Recipe converter recipe.doc 2012 Document file for recipe.bas recipe.pgc 1305 Pgc file for recipe.bas roman.bas 1062 Converts Roman numerals roman.txt 248 Document file for roman.bas stair.bas 1408 Stair calculator for architects t2.bas 310 The PIN number program from the film Terminator2 taxout.bas 1776 Works out Canadian GST tax - could probably be modified to work out VAT taxout.doc 717 Document file for taxout.bas wclock.bas 92 Displays world map + time weekdy.bas 2675 Gives day of the week for entered date world.pgc 1176 PGC file for wclock.bas wsh10.bas 3072 W-Shape calculator for architects wtp700.bas 1716 Wizard to Port Address file conversion wtp700.txt 411 Document file for wtp700.bas zeit.bas 478 Clock that beeps once per minute zodiac.bas 1152 Gives Zodiac sign for entered date \ASL ------ ------------------- a.pgc 484 Pgc file for asl.bas asl.bas 188 American Sign Language ABC - uses pgc files b.pgc 531 Pgc file for asl.bas c.pgc 590 Pgc file for asl.bas d.pgc 432 Pgc file for asl.bas e.pgc 369 Pgc file for asl.bas f.pgc 463 Pgc file for asl.bas g.pgc 350 Pgc file for asl.bas h.pgc 321 Pgc file for asl.bas i.pgc 402 Pgc file for asl.bas j.pgc 442 Pgc file for asl.bas k.pgc 416 Pgc file for asl.bas l.pgc 436 Pgc file for asl.bas m.pgc 356 Pgc file for asl.bas n.pgc 357 Pgc file for asl.bas o.pgc 348 Pgc file for asl.bas p.pgc 270 Pgc file for asl.bas q.pgc 337 Pgc file for asl.bas r.pgc 393 Pgc file for asl.bas s.pgc 346 Pgc file for asl.bas t.pgc 368 Pgc file for asl.bas u.pgc 406 Pgc file for asl.bas v.pgc 411 Pgc file for asl.bas w.pgc 459 Pgc file for asl.bas x.pgc 382 Pgc file for asl.bas y.pgc 383 Pgc file for asl.bas z.pgc 414 Pgc file for asl.bas DOMINO Falling Domino Animation ------------ -------------------- ---------------------------------- aademo.bas 255 PBasic program to display domino animation d1.pgc 1749 Domino pgc file d2.pgc 1754 Domino pgc file d3.pgc 1701 Domino pgc file d4.pgc 1663 Domino pgc file d5.pgc 1638 Domino pgc file d6.pgc 1601 Domino pgc file d7.pgc 1618 Domino pgc file d8.pgc 1562 Domino pgc file d9.pgc 1533 Domino pgc file d10.pgc 1517 Domino pgc file d11.pgc 1509 Domino pgc file d12.pgc 1474 Domino pgc file d13.pgc 1486 Domino pgc file d14.pgc 1465 Domino pgc file d15.pgc 1456 Domino pgc file d16.pgc 1365 Domino pgc file d17.pgc 1333 Domino pgc file d18.pgc 1324 Domino pgc file 1419 Document file for domino animation \GAMES ----------- ---------------------- 1.pgc 1327 Graphic file for golf10.bas 2.pgc 996 Graphic file for golf10.bas 3.pgc 1139 Graphic file for golf10.bas 4.pgc 1528 Graphic file for golf10.bas 5.pgc 1341 Graphic file for golf10.bas 6.pgc 1525 Graphic file for golf10.bas 7.pgc 1086 Graphic file for golf10.bas 8.pgc 1372 Graphic file for golf10.bas 9.pgc 1211 Graphic file for golf10.bas blkbst.bas 2176 Breakout type games chem.bas 901 Chemistry game chess.bas 5092 Chess game dzn.bas 2944 Complex game - harder than Rubiks? dznrul.txt 1971 Document file for dzn.bas flip.bas 2103 FlipFlop game golf10.bas 4439 Golf game golf10.doc 4746 Document file for golf10.bas letter.bas 814 Letter guessing game russin.bas 623 Game of Russian Roulette scard.bas 4096 Golf scorecard program scrcard.bas 5945 Scorecard program to track of scores of up to eight people or teams in games scrcard.txt 1232 Help and document file for scrcard.bas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PC1 - PC Accessories 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- DIET\ diet.exe 21576 Diet compression program diet.inf 776 Information on diet diet120.doc 31102 Document file for Diet update.doc 3532 Update documentation for diet DIRX\ dirx.cfg 322 Configuration file for dirx dirx.doc 15180 Document file for dirx dirx.exe 30486 Dirx - shell for file compression programs execmp.inf 9416 Information on available file compressors other.pgm 5694 Other programs available LZEXE\ comtoexe.doc 1079 Document file for comtoexe - French comtoexe.exe 5013 Converts com files to exe files for compression with lzexe engcomex.doc 851 Document file for comtoexe - English english.doc 10636 Document file for lzexe - English engupack.doc 526 Document file for upackexe - English infoexe.exe 5649 Gives info on files compressed with lzexe - in French islzexe.doc 1860 Document file for islzexe islzexe.exe 5910 Checks to see if file compressed with lzexe lzeshell.exe 18996 English front-end shell for lzexe lzeshl30.doc 13427 Document file for lzeshell lzexe.doc 13092 Document file for lzexe - French lzexe.exe 12304 Lzexe file compressor readme.eng 614 Notes on the English translations unlzexe.c 7229 Source code for unlzexe unlzexe.doc 1458 Document file for unlzexe unlzexe.exe 8232 Decompresses files compressed with lzexe upackexe.doc 1391 Document file for upackexe - French upackexe.exe 6873 Unpacks files compressed with Microsoft's exepack. Can then be more fully compressed with lzexe PKLITE\ chk4lite.exe 4317 Checks for files compressed with PKLite dealer.lst 795 List of dealers selling registered version of PKLite hdropt.exe 4586 Optimises exe file headers for optimum compression license.doc 3498 License information ombudsmn.asp 597 Information on the ASP ombudsman order.doc 3307 Order form for PKLite pklite.doc 31377 Document file for PKLite pklite.exe 13396 PKLite file compressor readme.doc 485 Information on PKLite whatsnew.113 227 Changes in the latest version of PKLite -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PC2 - PC Accessories 2 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- ----------- NB: Some of the files are archived (squashed) to fit them on the disk.These files have been marked with a double asterix ** and are self-extracting. Copy the file to an empty directory or clean disk on your PC, run the program and all the files will be extracted. The relevant files can then be copied to a permanent directory. addres.exe 6190 Quick .adr file viewer - uses whole PC screen dryact.exe 3983 Convert Portfolio .dry files to ACT! format dryact.txt 1213 Document file for dryact.exe drysk.exe 4480 Convert Portfolio .dry files to Sidekick format drysk.txt 1272 Document file for drysk.exe fixft.doc 3984 How to hack for LPT2 ftcabl.txt 597 Portfolio parallel transfer cable details ftm11.exe 39717 Point and Shoot front end for the file transfer software ftscript.dbg 149 Debug script for fixft.doc portcrd.exe 93952 **Windows 3 programs: 1) PortCard - loads and edits both Portfolio .adr and Windows .crd files 2) PortCal - loads and edits Portfolio .dry files skdry.exe 3176 Converts SideKick calendar files to Portfolio .dry files skdry.txt 1344 Document file for skdry.exe vbrun.exe 181211 **Self-executing archive containing vbrun100.dll. This file is needed to run PortCard and PortCal -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PC3 - PC Accessories 3 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- port.bmp 153718 Portfolio wallpaper for Windows ADR_BOOK\ ----------------- --------------------- adr_book.doc 20224 Documentation for adr_book - PLEASE READ FIRST adr_book.exe 90098 Address Book Program ez_ref.adr 30322 Sample .adr file 1774 Information on registering Adr_Book in the UK DBFREAD\ --------------- --------------------- dbfread.doc 2911 Document file for dbfread.exe dbfread.exe 7760 Extract specific fields from database files (.dbf) into Portfolio address book format members.dbf 3794 Sample .dbf file FOLIOBAK\ ---------------- -------------------- backup.bat 154 Batch file for foliobak foliobak.c 8840 Source code for foliobak foliobak.exe 14098 Foliobak back-up program foliobak.lis 1266 List of files in foliobak package foliobak.smp 1367 Sample profile file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PC4 - PC Accessories 4 NB: Some of the files are archived (squashed) to fit them on the disk. These files have been marked with a double asterix ** and are self-extracting. Copy the file to an empty directory or clean disk on your PC, run the program and all the files will be extracted. The relevant files can then be copied to a permanent directory. Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- AGENDA\ -------------- -------------------- macro.doc 1570 Documentation for Agenda 2.0 Macros portexpo.mac 1204 Convert data to Portfolio diary format portpeop.mac 1255 Convert data to Portfolio address book format portview.mac 1030 Create Portfolio diary view in Agenda BIG\ Use PC keyboard and screen for Portfolio ------ -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- 1760 'Big' program for Portfolio (needs serial interface) big.doc 3103 Documentation for 'Big' bigpc.exe 24536 'Big' program for PC OSZI\ ------- ------------------- cga.bgi 6332 Support file for oszipc.exe egavga.bgi 5554 Support file for oszipc.exe fftmem.tpu 9952 Support file for oszipc.exe goth.chr 18063 Support file for oszipc.exe graph.tpu 32336 Support file for oszipc.exe herc.bgi 6204 Support file for oszipc.exe ibm8514.bgi 6665 Support file for oszipc.exe litt.chr 5131 Support file for oszipc.exe oszifoli.exe 21109 Oscilloscope demo for Portfolio oszipc.exe 33328 Oscilloscope demo for PC 1446 Documentation for Oszi - German readme.deu 1446 Documentation for Oszi - German readme.eng 1317 Documentation for Oszi - English sans.chr 13596 Support file for oszipc.exe supervga.bgi 3226 Support file for oszipc.exe SLEEK\ ---------- --------------------- file_id.diz 283 Description file invoice 1376 Shareware registration form programs.txt 3801 Other programs by same author readme.txt 678 Sleek release notes sleek.doc 11040 Documentation for slk.exe slk.exe 5590 Reformat documents to any line length TIMEBILL\ --------------- -------------------- readme.1st 569 Notes on the self-extracting archive timebill.exe timebill.exe 52535 **Microsoft Access database that will import timelog from an ASCII file. For use with T.R.S program in Set AP2. (self-extracting archive) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- index for Set PC5 - PC Accessories 5 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- NB: Some of the files are archived (squashed) to fit them on the disk. These files have been marked with a double asterix ** and are self-extracting. Copy the file to an empty directory or clean disk on your PC, run the program and all the files will be extracted. The relevant files can then be copied to a permanent directory. portmanx.exe 75436 ** Portman for DOS - set of useful Portfolio utilities in one program PORTMANW\ ------------------ ------------------- portmanw.exe 152048 Portman for Windows NOTE: SOME FILES MISSING. portmanw.hlp 45937 Portman Windows Helpfile portmanw.tx2 6097 Documentation for Portman (with extended characters) portmanw.txt 5960 Documentation to use if above does not print properly pw_setup.exe 57200 Portman Installation Program pw_setup.hlp 15530 Windows Help for Portman Setup -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PG1 - Asic Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- asic.doc 245659 ASIC Reference Manual asic.exe 32640 ASIC Integrated Editor/Compiler asic.idx 1391 Index file for online keyword help asicc.exe 49030 ASIC Command Line Compiler asicm.idx 510 Index file for online menu help asicv301.not 7392 List of New Features in ASIC Version 3.01 dbgtutor.asi 868 Source Program for Debugger Tutorial filedemo.asi 3980 Demo Program -- various ASIC file I/O statements life.asi 5970 Demonstration ASIC Program (must be compiled) order.frm 1530 Order form readme 2464 Readme file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PG2 - Languages 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- BBCBASIC\ ---------------- --------------------- bbcbasic.exe 29312 BBCBasic - works on Port 8832 Document file for BBCBasic 5415 Sample program 5589 Sample program BOB\ ------- -------------------- bob.c 1681 C source code bob.exe 27490 Small object orientated programming language bob.h 7188 Bob header file bobcom.c 31133 C source code bobdbg.c 3173 C source code bobfcn.c 4722 C source code bobint.c 11821 C source code bobmem.c 4331 C source code bobscn.c 7869 C source code fact.bob 210 Sample program hello.bob 110 Sample program makefile 200 Makefile for C source obj.bob 1630 Sample program t.bob 199 Sample program test.bob 173 Sample program type.bob 182 Sample program PGLIB\ ---------- --------------------- fuji.pgc 1385 Sample pgc file pglib.doc 12910 Document file for pglib pglib.h 1199 Pglib header file pgms.lib 8279 Library for Microsoft C pgsample.c 2286 Sample code pgtc.lib 7680 Library for Turbo C portf.pgc 1296 Sample pgc file TBASIC\ ------------ --------------------- codes.tbi 3584 Sample Tiny basic program readme.1st 846 Info on Tiny basic tbasic.asm 46816 Source code for Tiny Basic 2795 Tiny Basic tbasic.doc 25344 Document file for Tiny Basic ZBASIC\ ------------ --------------------- killer.bas 3002 Sample zbasic program pyramid.bas 2262 Sample zbasic program zbasde.tip 1025 Hint on configuring ZBasic demo 33024 Zbasic demo program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 Index for Set PG3 - Small C Interpreter Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- calc.sci 1506 A sample calculator program copy.sci 352 A sample program 169472 Programmer's Manual prg.toc 6144 Table of contents for 6147 Order form sci.exe 32420 The interpreter program shell.sci 2242 The command shell, written in C 112256 User's Manual Index for Set PG4 - Uniforth Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- best.pgc 35 Sample pgc file for pgcspec.txt 16192 Funny opcodes - in Pread format pgcspec.txt 6175 Pgc graphic specification pgxspec.txt 6708 Pgx graphic specification worst.pgf 1920 Sample pgf file for pgcspec.txt FORTH\ forth.fth 20480 The default file that is opened when UNIFORTH is executed. It contains the SYSGEN utility, the segment utility, a game and other stuff language.doc 7296 Joke file on "alternative" programming languages readme.1st 640 Additional information table.txt 2677 Tips on using Uniforth with the Portfolio 29696 The executable task image uniforth.doc 87168 Document file for Uniforth uniforth.sum 2432 Summary of Uniforth features veditor.fth 10240 The configuration file for the video editor words.doc 93824 The vocabulary word list LISP\ 11219 Lisp tutorial in PRead format 170 Conversion notes vtlisp.doc 6654 Document file for vtlisp.exe vtlisp.exe 14189 Main program usr.toc 6144 Table of contents for -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PG5 - A86, Monitor & Pascal Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ -------------- NB: Some of the files are archived (squashed) to fit them on the disk. These files have been marked with a double asterix ** and are self-extracting. Copy the file to an empty directory or clean disk on your PC, run the program and all the files will be extracted. The relevant files can then be copied to a permanent directory. 11097 'The Tao of Programming' an amusing file in PRead format A86\ ------ -------------------- 23282 A86 assembler a86.lib 774 A86 library file a86doc.exe 145447 **Documentation for A86 (archived to save space) erdemo.bat 38 Demonstration batch file 1551 Macro expander fake.exe 1167 Mimicking tool lines.8 2921 Sample assembly language source mexp.bat 34 Demonstration batch file msdos.8 2494 Sample assembly language source mtcols.bat 26 Demonstration batch file page.8 901 Sample assembly language source 901 Demonstration file rev.8 3785 Sample assembly language source tcols.8 18299 Sample assembly language source usage.8 690 Sample assembly language source 2632 Cross-reference generator MONITOR\ --------------- --------------------- 5043 Debugger for the Portfolio portmon.doc 2607 Document file for portmon 5187 Portfolio debugger - sends ouput to serial port sermon.doc 2607 Document file for sermon sermonpc.doc 4026 Document file for sermonpc sermonpc.exe 5203 Debugger for PC - output to portfolio via serial port PAS\ ------ -------------------- portfoli.tpu 12064 Portfolio turbo pascal unit portgra.pas 14584 Portfolio graphic routines portgra.txt 2881 Document file for portgra.pas porttpu.txt 14207 Document file for portfoli.tpu purbo.txt 2487 How to hack turbo pascal to run on the Port test.exe 9264 Test program test.pas 2501 Test source code PAS\TAHOE\ Pascal source files for Tahoe game (In GM2) ----------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- cards.pas 1913 poker.pas 4621 sounds.pas 1630 t5apcrt.pas 13694 t5pas.txt 2563 tahoe5.exe 7637 tahoe5.pas 1273 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PG6 - ESIE & Miniforth Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- ESIE ------ ------------------- aboard 8783 Sample ESIE rule file aboard.doc 13810 Document file for Aboard animal 9872 Sample ESIE rule file 14363 ESIE configuration programm doctor 6403 Sample ESIE rule file esie.cfg 7 ESIE configuration file 24028 Main ESIE program final.use 11159 End user information getaway 1519 Sample ESIE rule file glass 5748 Sample ESIE rule file hair 402 Sample ESIE rule file height 719 Sample ESIE rule file history 26033 Brief history of Artificial Intelligence manual 61626 Document file for ESIE novice 13665 Guide for new users port.use 38 Info for using ESIE on the Portfolio 1816 General information file support 2082 Information on registering ESIE tutor 60767 ESIE Tutor MINFORTH --------------- -------------------- mini.a86 22140 Assembler source code 3361 MiniForth mini.min 1908 MiniForth program zen-mini.fil 5012 Information file on MiniForth -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PG7 - Chasm & Program Tools Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ -------------- 28792 BrandX Symbolic Debugger bxd2.doc 15313 Document file for chasmx.exe 165794 ** Chasm, the 'cheap assembler'. The files for chasm have been compressed into this self-extracting archive file so it will fit on the disk. Transfer chasmx.exe to an empty directory and type chasmx (plus enter) to uncompress - note the files will take up about 400k. dump.exe 1984 'Dumps' the contents of the Portfolio's RAM to screen. Can also save to a file. 5619 'Good programmers don't write specs' - an amusing Pread file for programmers. SOKSRCE\ --------------- ------------------- sok-code.c 36149 } These files make up the C source code for sokoban.c 14539 } Sokoban, a game found in Set GM3 - Games 3 sokoban.h 1304 } TPU\ ------ ------------------ lcd.doc 407 Document file for lcd.tpu lcd.tpu 2464 Pgc unit for Turbo Pascal 6.0 pgctest.pas 82 Test program using lcd.tpu portnews.doc 2804 Info on Re:Port Newsletter prices.doc 3345 Re:Port prices t2.pgc 1024 Sample pgc file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set PG8 - Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- GRAPH 15-03-93 20:20 LIAL 15-03-93 20:20 R86 15-03-93 20:20 bi2by.doc 728 26-11-91 11:34 bi2by.exe 2814 23-09-91 9:52 456 1-12-91 20:04 hex.doc 437 1-12-91 20:05 pbits.doc 800 19-07-93 15:56 pbits.exe 7566 19-07-93 15:23 Directory of c:\port\pg8\graph\*.* circles.c 307 1-07-90 22:50 graph.doc 5257 1-07-90 23:32 graph.h 114 29-06-90 0:38 license.doc 3914 3-03-93 0:09 pfgraph.c 10278 1-07-90 22:49 wait.c 423 1-07-90 22:12 Directory of c:\port\pg8\lial\*.* fib.l 2394 22-12-87 22:32 lade.exe 12825 4-03-88 18:34 lasm.exe 16149 15-02-88 19:01 lial.doc 59525 4-03-88 17:11 lial.lib 28209 1-03-88 19:10 lial.ops 4335 14-02-88 22:27 lrun.exe 35401 1-03-88 19:09 lucleh.l 10147 10-02-88 17:43 pi.l 7492 16-02-88 23:17 rabin.l 8230 10-02-88 17:35 1146 4-03-88 18:45 Directory of c:\port\pg8\r86\*.* r86.doc 28876 2-01-80 16:31 r86.exe 21504 5-03-93 19:53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kindom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 Index for Set PW1 - PowerBasic Programs Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- 279 Tsr to run PowerBasic from editor 315 Tsr to compile & run PowerBasic from ed. altrpb.doc 804 Document file for 5224 For Pilots, contact DUAT - needs modem 1542 Custom Base cbase.doc 3795 Document file for Custom Base cbase.exe 1414 Custom Base - exe file comm.bas 2158 Listing for a simple terminal program - needs to be compiled with Powerbasic 3582 Collect messages from Compuserve cport.doc 2500 Document file for demo.adc 554 Support file for AdCalc 30020 Demo of AdCalc - advertising calculator demo.doc 5367 Document file for AdCalc 540 Displays time with audio countdown ff.bas 1977 Sample program to do DOS wildcard search 1674 Executable version of FF.bas 7446 File Selector Program - Shell fselect.doc 9226 Document file for 3456 Feet and inches calculator - areas etc m1.bas 348 Maths program - see readme.txt 754 Maths program - see readme.txt m2.bas 380 Maths program - see readme.txt 870 Maths program - see readme.txt m3.bas 518 Maths program - see readme.txt 1188 Maths program - see readme.txt m4.bas 924 Maths program - see readme.txt 1258 Maths program - see readme.txt m5.bas 1918 Maths program - see readme.txt 1673 Maths program - see readme.txt m6.bas 418 Maths program - see readme.txt 1010 Maths program - see readme.txt m7.bas 1106 Maths program - see readme.txt 1404 Maths program - see readme.txt m8.bas 1011 Maths program - see readme.txt 1225 Maths program - see readme.txt m9.bas 679 Maths program - see readme.txt 1150 Maths program - see readme.txt m10.bas 1068 Maths program - see readme.txt 1228 Maths program - see readme.txt m11.bas 226 Maths program - see readme.txt 544 Maths program - see readme.txt m12.bas 455 Maths program - see readme.txt 888 Maths program - see readme.txt name.txt 65 Sample questionnaire file for Cbase 1866 PowerBasic error codes in PRead format pblib.bas 8483 Powerbasic library to access Portfolio pblib.doc 5026 Document file for pblib.bas 19253 PowerBasic runtime 23500 Powerbasic runtime as .run file portcis.doc 11285 Document file for Portcis portcis.scr 257 Script file for Portcis pbcmds.txt 3117 Text file outlining Powerbasic commands powed.exe 29576 PC based editor for PowerBasic programs powed.txt 5358 Document file for Powed primes.bas 1302 Powerbasic program to work out prime nos portfx.bat 447 Batch file for sending faxes using Portcis prtfax.doc 3668 Documentation file for Prtfax.bat readme.txt 1324 Document file for the maths programs setup.cis 60 Compuserve script file for CPort 6270 Game of StarTrek 4864 Terminal program for Portcis 2470 Set system time from atomic clock - needs modem 2010 Simple flight computer BAS\ ------- -------------------- *Please note - the files below will not work on the Portfolio without *modification. dice.bas 440 Dice thrower phone.bas 1145 Telephone carousel quad.bas 651 Quadratic equation solver sharp.txt 4099 Text file for dice, quad, phone & sorter sorter.bas 1036 Sorting facility think.bas 8362 Outliner think.doc 4378 Document file for think.bas west-2.bas 23168 Flight Computer program -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 Index for Set PW2 - PowerBasic 2 Plus Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- 1436 Continuos graphic design display 1134 Draws 3d graph mkxterm2.bas 11953 Create on your Portfolio. Good way of copying Xterm2 to the Port for Powerbasic owners 19253 Powerbasic run-time module. Must be run before attempting to run any PowerBasic programs 27776 Pre-flight computer - beta test version. No docs pf.txt 277 Short description of phone.bas 366 Listing for 610 Tone dialler xterm2.txt 5742 Documentation for (as created with mkxterm2.bas) GAMES\ ------------ -------------------- 4080 Play Tic Tac Toe with another Portfolio. Needs two Portfoilios with serial interfaces 2tic.doc 660 Documentation for 1638 Electronic dice dice.txt 194 Documentation for numbers2.dat 7075 Data file for 3120 Pattern puzzle game pattern.doc 1811 Documentation for 7577 Portfolio Lotto plotto.txt 3774 Documentation for readme.txt 414 Readme file for updates.txt 874 Planned enhancements for 4289 Zeros puzzle game - make all the numbers in the grid zero.... zeros.doc 1988 Documentation for PDD2\ Utilities for using the Tandy PDD1 & PDD2 Disk Drives with the Portfolio --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pcopy.bas 1695 Listing for 2258 File copy utility (from PDD to Port) pdd.doc 18304 Documentation for pdd.exe pdd.exe 35760 Access Tandy PDD disk drive from a PC pdd1.doc 2811 Documentation for pdd1.exe pdd1.exe 11234 Controller for using Portfolio with PDD1 (not PowerBasic) pdd2.doc 3331 Documentation for pdd2.exe pdd2.exe 12636 Controller for using Portfolio with PDD2 (not PowerBasic) pdd2.txt 1867 Documentation for basic utilities (pcopy, tcopy, pdel etc etc) pde.doc 743 Documentation for pde.exe pde.exe 8896 PDD emulator for the PC - can be used with PDD controllers on Portfolio to link the two pdel.bas 1349 Listing for 1756 File delete utility pdir.bas 2212 Listing for 2254 Directory listing utility pformat.bas 1692 Listing for 1762 Formatting utility pren.bas 2403 Listing for 2274 File rename utility tcopy.bas 3768 Listing for 3874 File copy utility (from Port to PDD tm.bas 9282 Listing for 9196 File manager for Portfolio and PDD disk drive tm.doc 3790 Documentation for PRCODES\ -------------- --------------------- epson.hoo 1594 Editor hook to embed Epson printer codes into text hpdj.hoo 1610 Editor hook to embed HP Laserjet 2 printer codes into text hplj.hoo 1610 Editor hook to embed HP Deskjet printer codes into text prcodes.txt 1848 Documentation for epson.hoo, hplj.hoo & hpdj.hoo SWIFT\ Swift Basic Programs ---------- ------------------------------------------------ 32768 Run-time module for Swift Basic programs eg. type: do runner (and press enter) midigolf.bas 5727 Excellent golf game mininim.bas 5297 The game of Nim - with excellent spriteanimation readme.1st 571 Readme file for midigolf.bas and mininim.bas runner.bas 2529 Animated sprite demo -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set ST1 - Serial File Transfer Kit Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- 256 Converts xterm2.hex to - see lodtrm.txt readme.doc 5362 Document file on the procedure to get xterm2 onto your Portfolio memory card 2944 Terminal program for Portfolio xterm2.doc 5632 Document file for xterm2 xterm2.hex 5888 Xterm2 as hex file UNITERM\ ST terminal program default.set 4032 desktop.inf 478 header.doc 549 readme.doc 3850 Notes on Portfolio-ST setup uniterm.prg 177138 Main program uniterm.rsc 27092 uniterm.set 4032 UNITERM.DOC\ Documentation files for Uniterm apndx1.doc 18370 apndx2.doc 2893 apndx3.doc 286 apndx4.doc 1710 apndx5.doc 1261 chap1.doc 1505 chap2.doc 8440 chap3.doc 7636 chap4.doc 4712 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set ST2 -Atari ST Programs Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- desktp.pgc 1024 Sample pgc file disppgc.pgc 704 Start up screen for disppgc disppgc.prg 18636 View portfolio graphics on ST pgcgrab.doc 1883 Document file for pgcgrab pgcgrab.prg 15129 Convert DEGAS to Portfolio graphic pgcgrab.rsc 1400 Pgcgrab additional file pgcheck.doc 5345 Document file for pgcheck pgcheck.ttp 15580 Check pgc files pgf2pgc.doc 2301 Document file for pgf2pgc pgf2pgc.prg 26341 Convert between pgf and pgc Portfolio graphics pgf_makr.doc 7793 Document file for pgfmaker pgf_makr.prg 107251 Extract and manipulate pgf files from DEGAS pstgr.prg 11795 Manipulate Portfolio graphics on ST pstgr.rsc 3296 Pstgr additional file 3385 Document file for pstgr template.pi3 32066 Template for pgcgrab PGC\ Sample pgc graphic files ------- --------------------------------------------------- basket.pgc 131 bat.pgc 387 bomb.pgc 374 boxes.pgc 131 bricks.pgc 67 bubbles.pgc 99 buffalo.pgc 480 carat.pgc 107 cat.pgc 482 checkers.pgc 35 dash.pgc 131 diagbrik.pgc 131 diagroof.pgc 115 diamonds.pgc 131 dinosaur.pgc 480 dog.pgc 546 fish.pgc 221 fish2.pgc 315 fuji.pgc 1415 gorby.pgc 650 graph.pgc 67 hatch.pgc 131 humming.pgc 293 lanes1.pgc 67 lanes2.pgc 67 navajo.pgc 131 parquet.pgc 99 parrot.pgc 368 plaid.pgc 131 portf.pgc 1384 random.pgc 131 roof.pgc 99 shark.pgc 262 sine.pgc 83 spiral.pgc 479 tabs.pgc 99 teracota.pgc 131 tweed.pgc 131 usa.pgc 581 waffle.pgc 67 wave.pgc 1036 weave.pgc 131 wicker.pgc 115 wiseguy.pgc 991 zag.pgc 131 zig.pgc 101 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set ST3 - ST Acessories 2 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- p2st.thr 4506 CIS message thread on cables to link ST and Portfolio for serial file transfer st2por.txt 12353 Information file on how to get Xterm Portfolio for serial file transfer to ST PORTPART\ Manipulate Portfolio .adr files on the ST ---------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- partner.col 15012 partner.mon 14566 portfoli.prg 31695 Main Portfolio Partner program readme.doc 6303 Documentation for Portfolio Partner sample.adr 1171 Sample address file STFOLIO\ Parallel file transfer program -------------- --------------------------------------------------------- stfol.inf 4 stfoli.asc 863 Instructions for transfer cable st_folio.pi3 32066 st_folio.prg 78998 stfolio main program st_folio.txt 2821 Document file for stfolio STTALK\ ST Terminal Program ------------- -------------------------------------------------- sttalk.doc 11810 Documentation for STTalk sttalk.exe 53248 Main STTalk program sttalk.prg 616 STTalk .prg file -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Moble 0860 758552 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------