ANY PORT IN A STORM: ----------------------------------- Index for Set AP1 - Applications 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------- -------- --------------- 8744 Example of animated logo for the Portfolio powerup.doc 877 Document file for jog.exe 9919 Works out jogging stats - Jog dist time etc. mom 5240 Example Expert program for QA.EXE portrun.doc 184 Notes on running qa.exe on the Portfolio portuse.doc 276 Notes on running RPN on the Portfolio qa.c 10075 C source code for qa.exe qa.doc 3004 Document file for qa.exe qa.exe 9 445 Simple Expert program r.bat 24 Batch file to start RPN with 667 file for VC programs readme.v30 3318 What's new in RPN version 3 rpn.exe 36381 HP type scientific calculator 23987 Document file for rpn.exe 100 Portfolio screen mode switcher trig.doc 1053 Document file for trig.exe trig.exe 5147 Gives Sin Cos and Tan for entered angle trouble 13862 Expert file for qa.exe tsjog.nws 1782 News on the TSJog program tsprog.inf 4724 Info on other programs by TSJog author vc.doc 2894 Document file for vc.exe vc.exe 3481 Verify credit cards-enter no. gives type vc.pas 919 Pascal source code for vc.exe vericard.pas 1109 More Pascal source code for vc.exe vericard.tpu 1456 Turbo Pascal Unit for VC program PIM Personal Information Manager ------ ------------------- -------------------------------------- Demo of a comprehensive suite of programs with ToDo List, Diary, Address Book etc. action.ref 256 address.blk 26 address.for 2176 address.set 2606 areacode.ref 40 640 autoexec.bat 89 cities.ref 89 diary.act 19 diary.blk 27 diary.for 1130 diary.ref 39 diary.set 2121 editor.txt 280 event.ref 136 form.hlp 999 genpim.exe 14056 main.mnu 640 menu.hlp 2810 menu0.mnu 640 menu4.mnu 768 menu5.mnu 464 menu6.mnu 640 mess.mnu 1408 mess0.mnu 1408 mess1.mnu 1408 mess2.mnu 1024 met_imp.wks 1614 pim.cfg 1714 pim.ctl 256 pim.exe 43904 province.ref 59 services.mnu 384 status.ref 128 to_do.blk 128 to_do.for 896 to_do.set 738 user.doc 19870 WKS ------- -------------------- balance.doc 1731 Document file for balance.wks balance.wks 3848 Bank balance worksheet cistrk.wks 293 Worksheet to track Compuserve expenses convert.doc 1219 Document file for convert.wks convert.wks 3106 Conversions worksheet highas.wks 2267 Worksheet with high ASCII characters inhock.wks 3117 Loan comparison worksheet lambda.doc 4684 Document file for lambda.wks lambda.wks 16407 Central heating calculations worksheet retire.wks 3339 Worksheet to work out retirement benefit travel.doc 897 Document file for travel.wks travel.wks 896 Travel expenses worksheet wind.doc 398 Document file for wind.wks wind.wks 446 Worksheet to work out wind chill factor 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, Avon. BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: ----------------------------------- Index for Set AP2 - Applications 2 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------- ------- --------------- db.exe 10372 Database program db.txt 1003 Help file from db.exe dipmat.exe 5754 Identifies Diplomatic No. Plates gstout.bas 1269 PBasic source code for gstout.exe gstout.doc 1120 Document file for gstout.exe gstout.exe 5557 Works out Canadian GST Tax load.dbf 512 Support file for trs.exe loader.prg 1617 Support file for trs.exe metro.doc 1508 Document file for metro.exe metro.exe 12002 Gives area/state for Washington metro telephone exchange 12965 Information for new Portfolio users as a PRead file 11938 Comprehensive programmer's calculator pc.doc 3633 Document file for sample.sch 238 Sample file for 14440 PC class scheduler - works on Portfolio sched.doc 2955 Document file for sched.pas 24388 Pascal source for timecalc.doc 5664 Document file for timecalc.wks timecalc.wks 7383 Portfolio worksheet to calculate accumululated time - designed for TV work but could be used for other purposes eg. teaching tropme.adr 7682 Portfolio address file of tropical medicines trs.doc 13911 Document file for trs.exe 15574 Time Recording System - data files can be uploaded to database on PC for processing tsheet.dbf 512 Support file for trs.exe 768 Practice using Port Keyboard - gives typing speed in wpm typist.doc 1408 Document file for west-2.exe 54016 Flight computer program for the Portfolio DBSHOW\ -------------- --------------------- casa.pgc 1590 Pgc file for homes.dbf cortina.pgc 1017 Pgc file for homes.dbf cvt.doc 204 Document file for cvt.exe cvt.exe 7246 Converts dBase fields to special dbshow graphic or music fields dbshow.doc 9124 Document file for dbshow.exe dbshow.exe 15330 Dbf file viewer - can also view pgc files and music in special dBase fields emerald.pgc 1703 Pgc file for homes.dbf hampton.pgc 1591 Pgc file for homes.dbf homes.dbf 1012 Sample database for dbshow.exe homes.pgc 554 Pgc file for homes.dbf intl.dbf 5144 International dial codes database dbshow intl.doc 589 Document file for intl.dbf martinq.pgc 1707 Pgc file for homes.dbf TW TravelWare Trip Organiser ----- -------------------- --------------------------------- 2472 Alarm for pcins 2992 Help file for 1920 Sample data file for tw.cfg 132 Configuration file for 21720 Trip Organiser tw.doc 15474 Document file for 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, Avon. BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set AP3 - Applications 3 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- apbtip.txt 10496 Portfolio tips from the American Atari Accessories-Peripherals Bulletin boldmac.wpm 152 Wordperfect macro to add bold attribute to Portfolio text calport.doc 2606 Document file for calport.exe calport.exe 53248 Export Wordperfect calendar files to Port .dry italmac.wpm 158 Wordperfect macro to add italic attribute to Portfolio text 4151 Make lists on your Portfolio lister.doc 1670 Document file for port2wp.doc 3591 Document file for WordPerfect macros shday.doc 2610 Document file for shday.exe shday.exe 13876 Show day of week for any given date 11677 An 'On this day in history' program - put in your autoexec.bat undmac.wpm 159 Wordperfect macro to add underline attribute to Portfolio text ADR\ -------- --------------------- 8088.adr 8068 8088 assembler commands doscmd.adr 3505 Portfolio DOS commands ez_ref.adr 30464 Reference file for Portfolio sources ez_ref.txt 640 Text file for ez_ref.adr medline.adr 1802 Enter references in medline format ready for import into bibliographic database nutips.adr 2794 Tips for beginners psychlit.adr 1546 Enter references in psychlit format ready for import into bibliographic database ARLINK\ Fast Parallel File Transfer ------------ ------------------- ------------------------------- arl201.exe 8816 Arlink file transfer program for the PC arleng.txt 4730 Document file for Arlink brc.exe 5904 Fast backup for the Portfolio brceng.txt 3254 Document file for brc.exe parl221.exe 8464 Arlink file transfer program for the Portfolio SCI\ ------ -------------------- Powerful Programmable Scientific Caclulator example1 613 Example file for SCI example2 650 Example file for SCI example3 583 Example file for SCI example4 283 Example file for SCI example5 304 Example file for SCI 925 Ordering details for SCI 931 Readme file for SCI scieqs.doc 19835 Documentation for SCI scieqs.exe 32198 Scientific Equation Solver WKS\ -------- --------------------- conver.wks 896 Conversion worksheet homewk.txt 1223 Use worksheet to generate problems milcalc.wks 6912 Calculate business and personal mileage recacc.doc 4354 Document file for recacc.wks recacc.wks 7040 Keep track of finances stock.txt 19511 Document file for stock1.wks & stock2.wks stock1.wks 17521 Worksheet for stocks and shares - 1 stock2.wks 12821 Worksheet for stocks and shares - 2 tc1inst.wks 3968 Add time in hours minutes - good for tracking time spent on jobs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, Avon. BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 Index for Set AP4 - Applications 4 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- 93hldy.dry 1280 American 1993 Holidays in .dry format city.txt 919 Latitude/Longitude list for use with 10385 Computes distance between two lat/long coordinates 11116 Compute distance between two lat.long positions distance.pas 2651 Pascal source code for ukhol93.dry 1656 UK 1993 Holidays in .dry format ADR\ Various Portfolio address files ------- ------------------- ------------------------------------ ascii.adr 1876 Upper ASCII codes att.adr 4621 Gives ATT codes from different countries in the world dos.adr 3505 The DIP DOS commands with examples - great for beginners readme 1164 Document file for recipe2.adr & recipe3.adr recipe2.adr 21120 Database of recipes recipe3.adr 17280 Database of recipes SDB\ ------- --------------------- crc.txt 2439 Document file for 1536 Check CRCs of SDB files readme 388 Readme file for SDB sdb.exe 38528 Simple database program sdb.hlp 1343 Help file for SDB sdb.mem 25395 Document file for SDB SDBSRCE\ 'C' source code for SDB --------------- ------------------- ---------------------------- c.obj 516 cmd.c 21016 cmd.obj 8073 com.c 10299 com.obj 3642 cre.c 4028 cre.obj 1493 err.c 1708 err.obj 1153 iex.c 7006 iex.obj 2721 int.c 4612 int.obj 2361 io.c 10853 io.obj 2906 junk.obj 503 mth.c 8005 mth.obj 2120 pcjunk.c 1438 pcjunk.obj 1137 scn.c 14991 scn.obj 5993 sdb.c 390 sdb.obj 468 sdbgen.arf 94 sdbgen.bat 34 sdbgrep.bat 125 sdbio.h 7988 sdblump.bat 220 sdbxc.bat 103 sel.c 21233 sel.obj 5438 srt.c 8623 srt.obj 2654 tbl.c 2670 tbl.obj 1283 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, Avon. BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 75855 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Index for Set AP5 - Applications 5 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ -------------- 2455 Command line quick calculator comput.txt 482 Documentation for ohm.exe 8960 Resistor colour code translator BCL\ Portfolio Floating Point Calculator/Compiler ------- ------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- b.bat 9 Batch file to start BCL with standard image bcl.adr 8580 Address book file of BCL words (commands) bcl.doc 39336 Documentation for BCL bcl.exe 11557 BCL engine/main program bcl.pas 41692 Pascal source code for BCL bcl.src 1605 Definition file for std.bcl image file 2131 Release notes for current version of BCL files.txt 1078 Listing of all BCL files plot.adr 3005 Address book file of plot words (commands) plot.bcl 1804 Enhanced image file with function plotting and zero finding macros plot.src 1675 Definition file for plot.bcl image file std.bcl 1018 Standard image for BCL DIAL\ -------- -------------------- fonio.exe 2944 Touch tone dialler 171 Utility to translate American phone numbers with letters to numbers phone.doc 775 Documentation for GRAPHIO\ --------------- -------------------- graphio.doc 1920 Documentation for graphio.exe graphio.exe 11120 Create and print bar charts on the Portfolio HITMAKER\ ----------------- ------------------- hit.exe 21491 Portfolio program to perform the complex calculations needed by music producers/audio engineers hitmaker.txt 12669 Documentation for hit.exe PARSER\ ------------ --------------------- parser.doc 17020 Documentation for parser.exe parser.exe 43720 Convert ASCII report files into Lotus 123 compatible spreadsheets parser.wid 7178 Sample text file for use with parser.exe PICTO-E\ -------------- --------------------- install.txt 177 Installation instructions for Picto picto.bat 940 Batch file for starting Picto picto.doc 3333 Documentation for Picto picto\do.exe 23915 Swift Basic Interpreter picto\picto-e.bas 15122 Picto Graphical user Interface for the Portfolio UNITIO\ ----------- --------------------- unitio.doc 2798 Documentation for unitio.exe unitio.exe 10329 Comprehensive unit conversion program units.fil 3296 Data file for unitio.exe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 Index for Set CM1 - Coms 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------- ------- -------------- pfserial.txt 2048 Corrections to the cable diagrams in some serial peripheral manuals ACOM\ ---------- --------------------- acom.doc 13177 Document file for acom.exe acom.exe 9955 Terminal program for the Portfolio 178 Automate initial transfer of Acom to Portfolio starta.bat 4007 Batch file for Aload EMMA\ ---------- --------------------- Send messages via MCI Mail with your Portfolio 800.csf 1920 Emma sample script file emma.doc 32416 Document file for Emma 5824 Emma main program local.csf 1920 Emma sample script file mnp.csf 2371 Emma sample script file sample.bat 700 Sample batch file template.cis 512 Sample template file template.fax 1024 Sample template file 384 Sample template file template.mbx 896 Sample template file template.pap 768 Sample template file template.tlx 512 Sample template file tymnet.csf 1920 Emma sample script file PCOM\ ---------- --------------------- pcom.doc 4420 Documentation for pcom.exe pcom.exe 24755 Comprehensive coms program for the Portfolio PFBOOT\ ------------ -------------------- Series of programs to ease loading of terminal program on Portfolio through the serial port. 256 Convert bin to hex 128 Test file integrity 256 Convert hex to bin load.bat 319 Batch file for pfboot lodtrm.txt 2675 Text file on loading terminal program through serial port pfboot.bat 1070 Batch file for pfboot pfload.bas 3836 Basic file for pfboot pfload.exe 43802 Exe file for pfboot readme.doc 1967 Document file for pfboot 2816 Terminal program xterm1.doc 4161 Document file for xterm1 PTERM\ ----------- -------------------- 8 Used in setup.bat 13588 Pterm - English version ptlogo.pic 1920 Start-up screen for Pterm pt_eng.dat 13588 English version of Pterm pt_ger.dat 13675 German version of Pterm readme.eng 2229 English documentation for Pterm readme.ger 2439 German documenetation for Pterm setup.bat 499 Setup batch file SLAVE\ ----------- --------------------- slave.exe 17152 Control Portfolio, send & receive files from a number of different computers slave.txt 2100 Document file for slave.exe TINYCOM\ --------------- -------------------- shutdwn.src 96 Shutdown script file startup.src 80 Startup script file tinycom2.bas 3641 Conventional basic (not PBasic) program to alter pause length in ascii send - will compile new version 1249 Tinycom simple terminal program tinycomm.txt 5489 Document file for tinycom TMXM2\ Earlier version of Xterm ------------ -------------------- ------------------------------ 1024 Convert hex file to com file pf_term.txt 9226 Notes on initial transfer of Tmxm2 to Portfolio 2432 Terminal program tmxm2.doc 4992 Document file for tmxm2.hex 5120 Tmxm2 as hex file to ease initial transfer to Portfolio XTERM\ ------------ --------------------- 327 Program used by remote.bat dial.bat 193 Can be modified to pass your parameters to remote.bat 386 Program used by remote.bat remote.bat 1016 Automatic dialler for xterm2 - may need modifying startx.bat 4013 Batch file for 80 Batch utility used by remote.bat 179 Automate initial transfer of Xterm2 to Portfolio 2944 Terminal program for the Portfolio xterm2.doc 5632 Document file for ANY PORT IN A STORM: ----------------------------------- Index for Set GM1 - Games 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ -------- --------------- 14336 Game of Blackjack 2621 Fortune Cookie - put in Autoexec.bat doctor.scr 10405 Script file for 9542 The classic "expert" doctor program fence.exe 4741 Place "fences" to deflect the ball 1862 Addictive game - find only non-moving letter in a grid of moving letters fs.exe 2432 Portfolio Flight Simulator - Silly guichess.doc 2149 Document file for Guichess.exe guichess.exe 16008 Graphical Chess 2264 Hangman hangem.txt 440 Words file for - can be edited hanoi.doc 386 Document file for hanoi.exe hanoi.exe 8214 Game of Hanoi - Portfolio solves the puzzle life.exe 6873 Simple game of Life for the Portfolio lmine.exe 6561 Cross the mine filed without getting blown up lotto.doc 757 Document file for lotto.exe lotto.exe 5152 Chooses lotto numbers for you merlin.exe 3807 Make all the squares disappear - harder merlin.txt 2150 Document file for merlin.exe 2056 Game of Mastermind for the Portfolio othell.exe 5716 Game of Othello for the Portfolio othello.doc 4929 Document file for Othello.exe othello.exe 3035 Othello for the PC - works on Portfolio pchess.exe 26922 Chess for the Port - like Pbasic prog but faster pchess.txt 1236 Document file for pchess.exe 330 Program from "Terminator 2" to find PIN player.exe 3656 Port Piano Player demonstration 3093 Poker for the Portfolio portfour.exe 4906 Connect Four type game for the Portfolio portfour.txt 6128 Document file for portfour.exe portman.dat 771 Data file for portman.exe portman.doc 1532 Document file for portman.exe portman.exe 7281 Demo of PacMan for the Portfolio portris.exe 5109 Tetris for the Portfolio portris.txt 1346 Document file for portris.exe ppuzzl.exe 7152 Sliding tiles game psi.exe 2935 Gives system info on your Portfolio - silly 1789 Another sliding tiles game readme.txt 3535 Document file for player.exe simon.exe 3853 Game of Simon for the Portfolio simon.txt 784 Document file for Simon.exe 5434 Etch-a-sketch program for the Portfolio sketch.doc 2719 Document file for 3981 Solitaire for the Portfolio spin.exe 4125 A complicated "Spin the numbers" game tetrad.doc 6144 Document file for tetrad.exe tetrad.exe 9216 Another version of tetris for the Portfolio tiles.doc 1639 Document file for tiles.exe tiles.exe 8729 Sliding tiles game - excellent graphics trek.exe 16855 Game of startrek tron.exe 4992 Game based on the film "Tron" ttt.exe 4082 Tic Tac Toe for the Portfolio \DIGDEC - A CARD TRICK FOR THE PORT ------------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------- digdec.doc 8606 doit.bat 53 \CARD begin.bat 82 card.bat 40 cards.bat 41 doit.bat 53 go.bat 68 hello.bat 84 magic.bat 78 name.bat 40 read.bat 42 ready.bat 42 reveal.bat 125 show.bat 75 start.bat 76 trick.bat 87 what.bat 41 which.bat 40 \DIGDEC\CARD\HIGH card.bat 42 cards.bat 42 name.bat 41 read.bat 40 ready.bat 42 what.bat 41 which.bat 41 MUSIC ---------- ------------------ aaf.bat 2304 Plays Australian National Anthem - need aaf.doc 967 Document file for aaf.bat ansi.sys 1862 Needed for yankee.bat 1639 Needed for music programs config.sys 17 Config.sys to install ansi.sys hornpipe.bat 2816 Plays hornpipe - need mi.bat 1024 Plays Mission Impossible theme - need read_me.1st 511 Document file for yankee.bat yankee.bat 1834 Plays Yankee Doodle - needs + ansi.sys Index for Set GM2 - Games 2 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ -------------- bj.doc 1980 Document file for bj.exe bj.exe 9850 Blackjack for the Portfolio 14601 Cribbage for the Portfolio - no document files so you need to know how to play! 10586 Hacker's Quiz - as Pread file hquiz.exe 18547 Hacker's Quiz - as scoring game infoco.txt 1873 Notes on using "The Lost treasures of Infocom" text adventures on the portfolio pfpoker.exe 10060 Poker for the Portfolio pfpoker.txt 2371 Document file for pfpoker.exe sgp.exe 7248 Starglider arcade-type game for the Portfolio sgp.txt 1659 Document file for sgp.exe tahoe5.exe 7637 Palmtop video poker tahoe5.txt 1606 Document file for tahoe5.exe yago.exe 8145 Nice version of Othello for the Port ADVENT\ advent.doc 5160 Document file for advent.exe advent.exe 50001 Text adventure main file advent1.txt 18178 Text adventure data file advent2.txt 6447 Text adventure data file advent3.txt 5541 Text adventure data file advent4.txt 18807 Text adventure data file cheat.doc 2044 As it says! 2852 Addditional notes SOUND\ dave.sam 5494 "Don't Panic" sound sample makesnd.doc 1165 Document file for makesnd.exe makesnd.exe 5918 Make self-executing sound files psound.doc 768 Document file for psound.exe psound.exe 2133 Play .sam files on the Portfolio sound.hdr 328 Header file for makednd.exe 30208 Original Portfolio sound file voice1.sam 28763 Sound sample extracted from PGCPZL\ domino.pgc 1749 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl dragon.pgc 1599 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl fuji.pgc 1385 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl girl.pgc 1994 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl girl2.pgc 1372 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl pgcpzl.doc 4739 Document file for pgcpzl.exe pgcpzl.exe 15659 Sliding block puzzle using pgc files pzldoc.exe 3675 Document file for pgcpzl - Pread format recycl.pgc 1213 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl squirrel.pgc 729 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl stone1.pgc 1251 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl t2.pgc 1024 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl world.pgc 1176 Pgc graphic to use with pgcpzl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ANY PORT IN A STORM: 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 Index for Set GM3 - Games 3 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- -------------- 2250 The game of Dozen 12.txt 2730 Document file for 3538 Chess game ch.txt 4099 Document file for 2862 Chinese Checkers chch.txt 1834 Document file for dragon.exe 27423 Text adventure - "Dragon" 26564 Klingon language tutorial - as PRead file rev.exe 3800 The game of Reversi 1084 Peg Solitaire sol.txt 965 Document file for stardate.doc 6212 Document file for stardate.exe stardate.exe 6267 Calculate Star Trek stardate for any year stardate.pas 4410 Source code for stardate.exe story.exe 11840 Work out the story hidden in the program wumpus.exe 9319 Hunt the wumpus FANCYDOS\ Fancy dos prompts ----------------- -------------------- ----------------------- Run these batch files to give fancy dos prompts - one or two have been modified to look better on the Portfolio. ansi.sys 1862 Needed to run dos prompt batch files: enter in config.sys bart.bat 129 "Command me, Dude!" cake.bat 130 "Happy Birthday" comput.bat 104 "Computer" dvorak.bat 127 "Down with Windows" hlp.bat 102 "Help!" ibm.bat 122 IBM logo irishman.bat 117 As it says owls.bat 116 US Soccer team logo plane.bat 119 As it says portuser.bat 126 A modification of user.bat pressy.bat 116 Present readme.doc 4820 Document file for fancy dos prompts snoflaks.bat 127 As it says train.bat 127 As it says unclesam.bat 126 As it says user.bat 126 "Power User" HORROR\ ------------- --------------------- dead.exe 36486 Text adventure - "Dead" legacy.exe 28155 Text adventure - "Legacy" phantom.exe 37142 Text adventure - "Phantom" readme.txt 6185 Document file for dead.exe, legacy.exe and phantom.exe setup.txt 519 Hints for setting up these, and other, adventures on your Port SOKOBAN\ ---------------- -------------------- level.exe 16186 Shows all Sokoban levels mini-sok.exe 15720 Sokoban - cut down version pc-sok.exe 18530 Sokoban for the PC 4781 Document file for Sokoban setup.txt 298 Hints for running Sokoban on your Port sokoban.cnf 17 Sokoban configuration file sokoban.exe 18530 Sokoban - full version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 Index for Set GM4 - Games 4 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- calli.exe 12169 Callisto - space mining game cave.exe 26833 Cave text adventure pfpeaks.exe 10377 Portfolio Peaks - an addictive card game pfpeaks.txt 4213 Documentation for pfpeaks.exe quarto.exe 8525 Two-way Tetris. Play in both directions at the same time! 10193 The game of 21 7040 Walls - an incredible platform-type game for the Port! CRASHBAL\ ----------------- ----------- alpha.dat 294 Data file for Crashball crash.txt 2054 Documentation for Crashball crashbal.exe 12422 Crashball crashbal.pas 27208 Pascal source code for Crashball ESP\ ------ --------------------- esp.doc 9198 Documentation for esp.exe esp.exe 29824 ESP testing program - written for DOS but works on the Port port.esp 34 Instruction file for running esp.exe on the Port sellers 81 Distribution file GEWINN4\ --------------- --------------------- 10 Initialisation program for Gewinn4 gewinn4.bat 20 Batch file for smaller version gewinn4n.bat 21 Batch file for standard version klvier.exe 11557 Gewinn4 main program - small klviern.exe 18688 Gewinn4 main program - standard PUNKMAN\ ---------------- --------------------- 0001.pm2 352 Game board 1 0002.pm2 352 Game board 2 0003.pm2 352 Game board 3 0004.pm2 352 Game board 4 0005.pm2 352 Game board 5 0006.pm2 352 Game board 6 0007.pm2 352 Game board 7 0008.pm2 352 Game board 8 alpha.dat 294 Data file for PunkMan design3.exe 7076 Board designer for Punkman hipunks.dat 70 High score file for Punkman p2.exe 11188 PunkMan: a PacMan-type game for the Port punk2.dat 532 Data file for Punkman punk2.txt 3091 Documentation for Punkman TEHTRA\ ------------- -------------------- tehtra.doc 2104 Documentation for Tehtra tetdemo.dat 650 Data file for Tehtra tet_demo.exe 7443 Demo version of Tehtra tet_form.txt 1113 Order form for Tehtra TETRIS\ ----------- --------------------- apfgames.doc 2885 Documentation for Tetris tetris.exe 8291 Tetris tetris.sco 56 High score file for Tetris WATOR\ ------ ----------- port.use 60 Instructions for using on the Port wator.doc 382 Documentation for 15435 Fish and sharks engage in a battle for survival watormon.pas 10857 Pascal source code for 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel (01225) 319057 Mobile 0860 758552 ANY PORT IN A STORM: --------------------------------- Index for Set GR1 - Graphics 1 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- cgashow.doc 762 Document file for cgashow.exe cgashow.exe 10555 CGA version of courb.fon 19088 Font for Pgedit 253 Fixes graphics bug on Portfolio fix0d.doc 1086 Document file for helvb.fon 50880 Font for Pgedit 3230 Show pgc files on a PC - EGA/VGA pcshow.doc 529 Document file for pgc2pcx.exe 7334 Covert pgc files to pcx files pgcomp.doc 1791 Document file for pgcomp.exe pgcomp.exe 7094 Compress pgf files to pgc files pgconv.exe 9348 Convert between Portfolio graphics files pgconv.txt 979 Document file for pgconv.exe pgedit.doc 10504 Document file for pgedit pgedit.exe 40505 PC based portfolio graphic file editor 63 Small pgf file viewer. Usage pgf {name}.pgf pgshow.doc 4929 Document file for pgshow.exe pgshow.exe 1788 Pgc and pgf file viewer 248 Tests for graphics bug on Portfolio test0d.doc 1234 Document file for DOMINO Falling Domino Animation ------------ -------------------- ---------------------------------- aademo.bas 255 PBasic program to display domino animation ademo.bat 117 Batch file to show domino animation - needs Pgshow (or Pcshow for PC) d1.pgc 1749 Domino pgc file d2.pgc 1754 Domino pgc file d3.pgc 1701 Domino pgc file d4.pgc 1663 Domino pgc file d5.pgc 1638 Domino pgc file d6.pgc 1601 Domino pgc file d7.pgc 1618 Domino pgc file d8.pgc 1562 Domino pgc file d9.pgc 1533 Domino pgc file d10.pgc 1517 Domino pgc file d11.pgc 1509 Domino pgc file d12.pgc 1474 Domino pgc file d13.pgc 1486 Domino pgc file d14.pgc 1465 Domino pgc file d15.pgc 1456 Domino pgc file d16.pgc 1365 Domino pgc file d17.pgc 1333 Domino pgc file d18.pgc 1324 Domino pgc file 1419 Document file for domino animation PGC Pgc and Pgf Graphics Files ------ --------------------- --------------------------------- adrian.pgf 1920 Pgf file banzai.pgc 1792 Pgc graphic file basket.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit bat.pgc 387 Pgc graphic file beethven.pgf 1920 Pgf file bell.pgc 1152 Pgc graphic file bishop.pgc 1024 Pgc graphic file bomb.pgc 348 Pgc graphic file books.pgc 583 Pgc graphic file boxes.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit bricks.pgc 67 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit bubbles.pgc 99 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit buffalo.pgc 480 Pgc graphic file butler.pgf 1920 Pgf file camera.pgc 390 Pgc graphic file candle.pgc 410 Pgc graphic file carat.pgc 107 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit cat.pgc 482 Pgc graphic file caution.pgc 560 Pgc graphic file checkers.pgc 35 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit cis.pgc 1280 Pgc graphic file clown.pgc 640 Pgc graphic file coffee.pgc 518 Pgc graphic file cooking.pgc 670 Pgc graphic file dash.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit deskto.pgc 1024 Pgc graphic file diagbrik.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit diagroof.pgc 115 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit diamonds.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit dinosaur.pgc 480 Pgc graphic file dna.pgc 484 Pgc graphic file dog.pgc 546 Pgc graphic file dutchboy.pgc 1536 Pgc graphic file filecab.pgc 592 Pgc graphic file fish.pgc 221 Pgc graphic file fish2.pgc 315 Pgc graphic file flag.pgc 600 Pgc graphic file fuji.pgc 1385 Pgc graphic file girl.pgf 1920 Pgf file girl2.pgf 1920 Pgf file girl3.pgf 1920 Pgf file gorby.pgc 620 Pgc graphic file gostbust.pgc 515 Pgc graphic file graph.pgc 67 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit hands.pgc 428 Pgc graphic file hatch.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit hers.pgc 1543 Pgc graphic file hh.pgc 1280 Pgc graphic file humming.pgc 293 Pgc graphic file lanes1.pgc 67 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit lanes2.pgc 67 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit laura.pgf 1920 Pgf file letter.pgc 530 Pgc graphic file lite.pgc 419 Pgc graphic file mickey.pgc 386 Pgc graphic file mime.pgf 1920 Pgf file navajo.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit nitesky.pgc 733 Pgc graphic file parquet.pgc 99 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit parrot.pgc 368 Pgc graphic file plaid.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit point.pgc 592 Pgc graphic file portf.pgc 1296 Pgc graphic file random.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit robotech.pgc 1152 Pgc graphic file roof.pgc 99 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit rose.pgc 570 Pgc graphic file rosebud.pgc 406 Pgc graphic file shark.pgc 262 Pgc graphic file sine.pgc 83 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit sjsu.pgc 1792 Pgc graphic file spiral.pgc 473 Pgc graphic file squirrel.pgf 1920 Pgf file t2.pgc 1024 Pgc graphic file tabs.pgc 99 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit target.pgc 1536 Pgc graphic file telefone.pgc 513 Pgc graphic file teracota.pgc 131 Pgc graphic file tweed.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit usa.pgc 553 Pgc graphic file waffle.pgc 67 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit wally.pgf 1920 Pgf file wave.pgc 1036 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit weave.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit wicker.pgc 115 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit wiseguy.pgc 991 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit ww.pgf 1920 Pgf file zag.pgc 131 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit zig.pgc 101 Background pattern pgc file - use with PGEdit 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 ANY PORT IN A STORM: ---------------------------------- Index for Set GR2 - Graphics 2 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- anim.exe 10395 Simple animation program anim.txt 3744 Document file for anim.exe 4992 Foster homes animation: pgx converted with makert.exe autos.pgx 4580 Slide show of Car Badges - pgx bomb.pgc 348 Sample pgc file dep.rle 5155 Sample rle file for rle.exe design.doc 2276 Document file for design.exe & design2.exe design.exe 3250 Compressed version of "design" design2.exe 4416 Screen animation program - impressive 14684 Running dog animation: pgx converted with makert.exe & compressed with Diet 21013 Falling dominos animation: pgx converted with makert.exe & compressed with Diet eyes.pgx 15738 Winking eyes animation 13990 Swimming fish animation: pgx converted with makert.exe & compressed with Diet fuji.pgc 1385 Sample pgc file ge.pgx 14292 "General Electric" animation gorby.pgc 620 Sample pgc file grdemo.bas 760 Basic demo of Portfolio Graphics Driver grdemo1.exe 1792 Demo of Portfolio Graphics Driver grdemo1.pas 933 Pascal source for grdemo1.exe grdemo2.bas 756 Basic demo of Portfolio Graphics Driver grdemo2.exe 1920 Demo of Portfolio Graphics Driver grdemo2.pas 1094 Pascal source for grdemo2.exe horse.pgx 74902 Running horse animation inmac.pgx 7907 Animation pgx file laura.pgf 1920 Sample pgf file makert.exe 6822 Make pgx files self-executing mkpgx.doc 3352 Document file for mkpgx.exe mkpgx.exe 2252 Make pgx files 685 Capture Portfolio screen to file pgcap.txt 744 Document file for 63 Small pgf file viewer. Usage pgf {name}.pgf 4108 Pgx file viewer pgflix.doc 1056 Document file for pgflixrt.doc 1989 Document file for makert.exe pgflixrt.hdr 1248 Header file for use with makert.exe pgl.doc 2213 Document file for pgl.exe pgl.exe 3936 Graphics file launcher pm.pgx 2732 PacMan animation portf.pgc 1296 Sample pgc file portgr.doc 6275 Document file for Portfolio Graphics Driver portgr.exe 4352 Portfolio Graphics Driver p_gr_pc.exe 4208 TSR to run Portfolio Graphics Driver on PC radar.rle 3569 Sample rle file for rle.exe rle.doc 423 Document file for rle.exe rle.exe 8605 Rle file viewer snatch.doc 3590 Document file for snatch.exe snatch.exe 9958 PC program to capture graphics to pgf file spiral.pgc 473 Sample pgc file t2.pgx 19683 Terminator 2 animation tree.pgx 3536 Animated Xmas card usa.pgc 553 Sample pgc file wally.pgf 1920 Sample pgf file ww.pgf 1920 Sample pgf file 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 ANY PORT IN A STORM: ---------------------------------- Index for Set GR3 - Graphics 3 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- 11782 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software dave.pgc 730 PGC file of David Stewart the author of pgcview.exe 4736 Self-running animation for the security conscious - put in your autoexec.bat before your password program by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 12506 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 10880 Self-running animation - intro screen for Atari's new 'Hyperlist' program by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 14823 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 12932 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 11174 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 3197 Self-running animation for if you lose your Portfolio by Don Thomas of Artisan Software mac.pgx 78085 PGX animation file - needs to view mickey1.pgc 1024 PGC Graphic pgcview.doc 1431 Document file for pgcview.exe pgcview.exe 82760 PGC graphic viewer for Windows 3 4108 Pgx file viewer pgflix.doc 1056 Document file for recycl.pgc 1213 PGC Graphic reward.txt 241 Sample reward file for use with 648 Information file for 3775 Self-running animation file for the security conscious.(Does not really format anything!) Put in your autoexec.bat before your password program. taf_1.pgc 1742 Toronto Atari Fair pgc file by Don Thomas of Artisan Software taf_2.pgc 1538 Toronto Atari Fair pgc file by Don Thomas of Artisan Software taf_3.pgc 1383 Toronto Atari Fair pgc file by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 11094 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software 14238 Self-running animation by Don Thomas of Artisan Software SPAINT\ ------------ --------------------- brush.spb 32 Sample block file from SPaint fuji.spb 32 Sample block file from SPaint house.pgc 724 Sample PGC Graphic rom8.fnt 2048 Font for SPaint rom16.fnt 4096 Font for SPaint 7640 Paint program for the Portfolio spaint.doc 13627 Document file for spaint.pgc 1134 Sample PGC Graphic 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, Avon. BA2 1AN. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 ANY PORT IN A STORM: ---------------------------------- Index for Set GR4 - Graphics 4 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------ --------------- 1788 View Pgc graphics on the Portfolio pgshow.doc 4929 Document file for 6928 Convert pgc to pcx files pgc2pcx.doc 1111 Document file for viewport.doc 3500 Document file for viewport viewport.exe 110475 View pgf, pgc, pgx and self-executing Portfolio animations on a PC as a slide show. Good for demos - needs vga ANIMATE\ Various animations bday.exe 3259 bicon.doc 537 bicon.exe 1220 8704 report.exe 4747 stonhng1.pgc 1251 stonhng2.pgc 1028 stonhng3.pgc 1293 stonhng4.pgc 1316 stonhng5.pgc 1266 14252 stonhnge.txt 434 18211 PGC\ Various PGC Files 1st_intr.pgc 1448 5thcat.pgc 1536 acura.pgc 1172 atco.pgc 566 atlantic.pgc 996 a_notes.pgc 1000 bofa.pgc 768 bud.pgc 940 bud_dry.pgc 1007 bud_lght.pgc 1081 casio.pgc 962 charisma.pgc 361 cocacola.pgc 768 dragon.pgc 1599 d_pepsi.pgc 687 eastwest.pgc 572 electric.pgc 1302 elektra.pgc 436 foothill.pgc 1023 fujitsu.pgc 844 giant.pgc 731 handwrit.pgc 896 hbo.pgc 1439 hol_inn.pgc 1086 loglady.pgc 1243 microsft.pgc 1136 mobil.pgc 1874 pcwrld.pgc 1152 pc_mag.pgc 1357 pepsi.pgc 773 prc.pgc 1666 641 reprise.pgc 735 revlon.pgc 1408 sizzler.pgc 1547 s_etc.pgc 962 toyota.pgc 1134 typewrit.pgc 723 versatel.pgc 636 virgin.pgc 462 warner.pgc 673 wea.pgc 1661 wintek_1.pgc 1433 wintek_2.pgc 1433 w_bros.pgc 588 SPAINT\ antique.fnt 4096 SPaint font broadway.fnt 3584 SPaint font cartsp.pgc 1219 SPaint clipart courier.fnt 3584 SPaint font fontsp.pgc 1306 Pgc graphic of fonts gothic.fnt 4096 SPaint font hollow.fnt 3840 SPaint font lineset.fnt 4096 SPaint font medieval.fnt 4096 SPaint font readme.txt 300 Document file for fonts rev8x8.fnt 2048 SPaint font script.fnt 3840 SPaint font super.fnt 2048 SPaint font 90 Ivy Avenue, Bath, BA2 1AN. United Kingdom. Tel: (01225) 319057 Moble: 0860 758552 ANY PORT IN A STORM: ---------------------------------- Index for Set GR5 - Graphics 5 Program Name Bytes Description ------------------ ------- --------------- demo1.exe 19712 Demo animation pix.c 4932 C source code for Pix pix.exe 2683 Random pattern generator port_art.exe 10795 Random pattern generator 1565 Documentation file for Port_art ANIMATE\ --------------- -------------------- andrea.pgx 79703 Impressive digitized animation 998 Fast pgx animation viewer wens.exe 4016 Xmas animation DEMO\ ---------- -------------------- d1.txt 241 Message file d2.txt 247 Message file d3.txt 255 Message file demo.bat 92 Batch file to run demo intro.exe 4496 Intro animation 16 Pauses for key press in batch file PGPRINT\ ------------- -------------------- pgprint.exe 6204 Print Portfolio pgc and pgf graphic files on Epson-compatible printers pgprint.txt 4079 Documentation for PGPrint UTILS\ --------- --------------------- expgx.exe 7294 Explode pgx - View pgx files on IBM PC or split into component .pgc and .pgf files 683 Convert .pgc files to .pgf files 951 Show .pgc files on Portfolio filecab.pgc 592 Sample pgc file viewpgc.exe 7246 View Portfolio pgc graphics on the PC viewpgf.exe 7278 View Portfolio pgf graphics on the PC ww.pgf 1920 Sample pgf file